Our 16 yr old niece wrote this for a blog class she is taking. I can't wait to show it to Sara when she can understand! It's so true, all you need to do is look at her and it brings a smile to all!
Sara Makes Me Smile.
The one thing that can always make me smile is this special little girl. I love her to death.
After months of waiting, when I finally got to see Sara, I was too happy for words. Every minute I spend with her is a blessing. I have never been so grateful. Whenever I see her, even if I'm in a bad mood, everything just goes away and she just brightens up my world. I love spending time with her and her parents. She is simply just the cutest thing. I've had many great memories with her. She is so smart! She knows how to use a cell phone. She has taken pictures with my cell phone and has even (accidently) called my mom. My phone background is her picture because she means so much to me and makes me happy. I show it to her and ask her, "Who's that? Is that you?", and she just smiles and shouts happily. Just being around her is like everything is alright and good. I don't know exactly how to explain it. We have all (my family) just waited so long for her to finally arrive and we couldn't be more thrilled. Sara is very independent. She doesn't like to be held for a long time because she loves to move around. She loves music and dances. My other cousins and I are extremely fond of her. On Thanksgiving, they were so excited to play with her since this was only the second time we had seen her, they tried to wake her up from her nap! Sara gives special kisses. We call them "Sara Kisses". She doesn't always give them out. But she is just too amazing. I'm so glad that she came into our lives, and I couldn't be more thrilled. I am crazy about this kid and I try to spend every minute I can with her. She makes me smile, laugh, and forget about all my troubles.