Friday, August 31, 2007


We found out today that our documents were certified. Now they will be sent to the DIA then they send the 3rd letter to the PDJ (I think), then they invite us to travel. How long is this going to go on, you ask??? Well, the PDJ signs the adoption decree and THEN we get a travel date. We are now looking at end of Sept, beginning of Oct. I'll believe it when I see it! It just keeps getting pushed back and back!!

Meanwhile, our Home Study has expired! They will be shocked to find out we still don't have our child. Now, we have to get an addendum. What next?


Heather Field said...

How frustrated you must be, and with every right! I am so happy that you have at least heard a little bit of hope is coming your way. I will be praying like crazy. I can't wait for you to get that sweetheart in your arms FOREVER!

Julie said...

Oh...I don't even know what to say. You are in my thoughts all the time. Keep believing that you will be with Sara soon!

stollmyheart said...

Well, we've got our fingers crossed that you get those travel dates soon! Sorry about the homestudy...but you're getting close!!

Dawn said...

I just found your blog again and my heart goes out to you and this LONG wait. I hope that you get a travel date very soon.

Heather Field said...

I tagged you! Visit my blog post on 09/03 for details :)

Julie said...

Oops! I tagged you too! :)

R&H said...

what a horrible long wait you've had already! What city in Vietnam is your baby in? I just can't imagine having a referral THAT long without travel dates! UGH!
I feel for you!