Sunday, December 7, 2008


It has been very cold here in Ohio and this weekend we got some snow. Sara is going stir crazy because she is spending way too much time inside. Not that she doesn't want to go out, we just don't want to take her out in this cold! It doesn't seem to really bother her a bit, though. She does say "snow yucky". I wonder where she got that???

Last week she had her 2 year checkup. She is still a little peanut, not quite 26 lbs, 25th% in weight and 50th in height. The doctor doesn't seem the least bit concerned. She also didn't think Sara was ready to be potty trained yet. Every time I know she is going poop because she hides behind something and won't let me near her, I put her on the potty. She sits there for a while, and then she doesn't go at all. I don't want to mess up her system, so I am going to stop putting her on the potty. She is SO ready though, she puts her stuffed animals on the potty. She even uses toilet paper appropriately, she just won't go, so I'm not going to push it. Here are some cute pictures!!! It's hard to get a smile anymore. Every time I go to take a picture, she turns her head!

She looks so grown up here!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eating a sucker from See's candy!!!!
Our backyard
Throwing a snowball at Nancy!