Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

Hope everyone had an awesome New Years. Ours was good. We went to some friend's who have a daughter Sara's age. The 2 of them had a BLAST! They were partners in crime and played so well together. Sara was up until 12:30 which is 4 hrs later than normal!

Today we took her to an indoor water park. She was a little scared at first, but caught on to the fun pretty quickly. Sara vomited before we left and was acting normal without a fever, so we went. She has never been sick before, so I didn't think she was. On the car on the way there, after eating some goldfish, she got sick again (we were 5 mins from the place). She was still acting completely normal, so we decided to try to stay. She was her normal self until we ate. She wolfed down chicken nuggets and then she got sick all over me! Then, she fell asleep on me and said "go play" when she woke up. She was fine the rest of the afternoon, although she fell asleep in the car, but that was expected. When we got home, it was coming out both ends!!! She is STILL acting normal! She wants to eat and then she gets sick and she wants MORE. Poor little thing. Hopefully, she will sleep tonight and be better tomorrow!

Hanukkah at Great Grandma'sWith her cousin Robbie

Does she look SICK?


Anonymous said...

WOW, she's getting so big so fast! Cute pics! Happy New Year to you guys!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the updates!! Hope she is doing better. Regina