Saturday, October 27, 2007

Go Bucks

Isn't the internet amazing? It lets us keep in touch with all of you like we were still in Ohio. It also let Gary follow the Ohio State-Penn State football game play by play. Looks like another dominant performance for our #1 ranked Bucks. He was also watching the World Series live while we were getting ready to go down to breakfast. Now we are waiting for our friend, Hong, to take us to her house for lunch.

We are to be at Mr. Hiep's office tomorrow morning at 9 am. He is going to take us to SARA!!


Anonymous said...

Sue you are so right without the internet all of us would be just wondering what is going on over there. Thank you so much for taking the time and energy to keep us all updated. We are all so exicted for you to finally get to meet and hold Sara. Our prayers are with you + Gary.
Regina, Miled ,Homer + Bart

Anonymous said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! Please take a lot of pictures of Sara. We are all following your journey with such excitement. Give her tons of kisses for all of us. So happy this day has finally arrived.

Jackie, Shaina, and Robbie

Anonymous said...

Your trip sounds so exciting,and the most exciting moment is almost here! Thanks for keeping us updated. Grandma is even learning about the computer! Can't wait until we finally get to see Sara! Hope that the rest of your trip goes smoothly. Happy Anniversary!
-Leslie, Samantha, Alan, and Alexandra <3