Sunday, March 30, 2008

17 months old!

Sara turned 17 months on Saturday, which means she has been with us for 5. It's hard to remember life before this precious little girl. Here are some things she does:

She says "good girl" (my favorite), Gigi (the dog), doggy, puppy, mama, daddy, dada, baby, that, guys, yeah!, uh-oh, thank you, hi, gentle, gotcha.

Wow! Does she love to eat! Some of her favorites are-
chicken, rice, noodles, edema me, cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes, ravioli, egg rolls, cheese, cheerios. She does not like red meat, which is very funny, because Mommy does not eat red meat.

Sara LOVES to play outside and is mainly interested in the neighborhood dogs. We are dying for the weather to get warm. Our neighbors gave us a Cozy Coupe and she LOVES it. Every time we go to put her in the car seat, she tries to get down so that she can play with it. She loves other kids and babies, although she can be a little bit aggressive at times. As I have mentioned before, she could spend hours buckling the buckles on her stroller and now she can buckle her car seat. She has a play stroller that she pushes around all day long, putting anything she can inside. She also likes to put things inside other things.

Sara is an amazing sleeper. She naps for about 2 hrs/day and sleeps about 12 hrs/night. We never have any trouble getting her to go to sleep. We just say "night night" and she waves to us and we don't usually hear a peep out of her until the next morning.

Other "Sara things"
She gives kisses, she LOVES animals, she seems to adapt to everything. She is pretty much happy all of the time and has quite a sense of humor. She loves her bath and loves to run around naked before and after while we chase her so she doesn't pee on the carpet. She does not like to cuddle too much, she is way too busy, although mommy is always trying. She is VERY social and pretty much has no fear. When she knows she's not supposed to do something, she shakes her finger no, no, no. We have decided that we got the perfect child for us. Now only if she would stop drooling and putting everything in her mouth.

Kona matches Sara's room!! She loves any house with a dog!!

Our Jewish Vietnamese American Princess with Bunny ears. She loves her friend Caroline!!


heatherandseth said...

I love her little pigtails!

Julie said...

Sara looks and sounds so wonderful and happy!!! I love reading your updates!

stollmyheart said...

so cute! happy 17 months Sara!

Anonymous said...

Cute as ever! Love the bunny ears!

Scott said...

Those balls Sara is playing in remind me of the play area in Bao's hotel in HCMC. Even though we were nervous and exhausted and counting the hours until we could get home it was fun to get together. I'm glad Sara is doing so well.