Wednesday, July 30, 2008

21 months!

I can't believe Sara is 21 months today.
Before we know it, she will be 2!!! Amazing! Here are some memorable "Sara" things:

She still loves to eat! She has become somewhat of a Vegetarian?? Not really, but she used to love chicken and now she won't eat it unless it's a Chicken Nugget. Rice and noodles are still her favorite things. She likes eggs now (a lot) and LOVES purple (red grapes). She is constantly asking for them. Cucumbers are also a favorite. We went to our friend Hanh's house for Pho (traditional Vietnamese soup) and she inhaled it! She still won't eat any beef!

Sara probably says at least 50 words now. She says new things every day and is putting words together. She is also saying people's names. Her cousin, Saman
tha is now "She she" and every older man is "Papa". I call Gary "babe" and she has started doing that. It's hilarious!!! She knows all the dogs names in the neighborhood and calls for them. When she doesn't know where someone went, she puts her hands up and says "go?" Her favorite number is 2 and when you ask her how old she is or how old she's gonna be she says "2!" She understands EVERYTHING you tell her. She tries to sing her ABCs and when you read a book to her, she tries to read it. Also, every morning she has to make sure she has her "baby and baba". I ask her what letter they start with and she says "B"!

This kid is truly amazing. She is a very happy little girl! Sudden
ly, she's been very attached to her baby. She can't go anywhere without her. She feeds her and changes her diaper. I have the funniest video of her trying to change her. When we figure out how to post it, we will. One thing she does that's a little disturbing is she is hitting and saying "bad boy". We have NO idea where she got that. She started doing it on vacation in California. We have never hit and would never say that. There aren't even any boys in the house. When you take something away from her, she does it. We try very hard not to laugh, but it really is disturbing. She does it to other kids. On that note, she still tends to be aggressive and is pushing a lot. She does much better with older kids. Kids her age tend to get upset and don't like her pushing. Any advice on this would be appreciated! She loves to play with other kids, though. I have been saying that she needs an older sister. It would make my life much easier!! LOL!! She loves music and dancing. Ring around the Rosie and Itsy Bitsy Spider are her favorites! She's also incredibly active. It's very hard to take her anywhere that requires sitting still! Shopping and going out to eat have become very difficult! My, how our lives have changed!!! She loves to be outside! She will pull us and say "side" and then go get our shoes to go outside. We must have 50 pairs of shoes in our laundry room and somehow she knows when Gary sits on the steps that he is going to put his shoes on to go running. She brings him the right shoes! Too funny! Shoes are also one of her favorite things.

Sara still sleeps incredibly well! She still takes a 2 hr nap every day and sleeps almost 12 hrs/ night. She never fights going to sleep. We put her down and never hear a peep out of her! We can even put her down in a strange place and she goes right to sleep! Pretty amazing!

We feel like we are the luckiest people in the world to have this precious little girl. She is always making us laugh and appreciate life. We love you so much, angel.


Scott said...

I'm glad Sara is doing so well--to think how far we've all come since those exhausting days in HCMC.
As far as advice, I think it's good to make sure children see only non-combative shows. When I was young things that seemed innocent (like Road Runner or Tom and Jerry) were actually very violent. That may not help much, since most shows these days try to be non-violent anyway, but it's something to think about.
Maybe you could also take the doll and be gentle with it and let her see that you enjoy being gentle with it.
Henry also seems to get along better with children a few years older than him. I've been told that around this age they start learning boundaries and ownership. That's when they start saying "mine" about everything some other child picks up (esp if it actually is theirs). I think for most children it is an ongoing teaching process about sharing.