Monday, October 17, 2011

Moving forward!!!!

Well, the past few days have been insane! We have had to deal with the fact that our Ethiopia Adoption dream was not going to be a reality. A few people have mentioned the Democratic Republic of Congo program to me; a lot of people are switching over from Ethiopia. Our agency only does Ethiopia and China, which are both out of the question for us. So, I contacted someone I knew from our adoption with Sara, and she mentioned Congo. Long story short, there are over 5 million orphans there in desperate need of homes. I feel so naive not knowing about the horrible things that go on in Congo. There is a beautiful 2 1/2 year old girl available and we all fell in love with her. She is just gorgeous!

So, now we are scrambling to gather additional documents needed, etc before we leave for vacation on Monday!


Shannon said...

I hope you were able to get everything squared away before you left. I am so excited to see what awaits for you and your family. I look forward to hearing about this new adventure :-)