Monday, August 27, 2007

Still a whole bunch of NOTHING!!

When I asked for an update on our case today, here's what the response was:

I'm keeping in touch with our partner daily - no update on your case yet. We may anticipate news next Monday.

NEXT MONDAY!!! So my niece Samantha will have her Bat Mitzvah on Saturday. We will have to face hundreds of friends and relatives with no Sara and no answers. It's going to be a very difficult weekend. I had the perfect dress for her to wear! Looks like we won't make it for Gary's Birthday. We'll be lucky to make it by Sara's on Oct 30 and mine on the 31st!


Heather Field said...

I cannot imagine your frustrations and sadness. I am praying for you guys daily and check your site several times daily hoping to hear happy news. I'm so sorry you all are going through this grueling long wait.

Julie said...

I'm so sorry Sue!! That is beyond frustrating. Hang in are in my thoughts.

stollmyheart said... just plain ol' sucks! I wish I could do something to make it easier. You will be in our thoughts!

Jon said...

I am continuing to pray for you and hope you hear news soon. Let us know if we can help. I know this is hard. Keep us updated. When you lay eyes on that precious little girl and get to kiss her for the first time, it will all be worth it.

Scott said...

Hang in there. The news seems to come on the weekends, beginning on Friday something happens and then it eventually filters back.

I'll let you know if I hear anything.

sue and gary said...

Thanks to all the comments! They keep us going!!

Adalie said...
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Adalie said...
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Joe said...

It will happen soon! I am praying for you guys as well.
