Saturday, October 27, 2007

Anatomy of a Trip to the Other Side of the World

Our trip started out well enough. We got to the airport and checked our bags all the way through to Vietnam. As we were going through security, Gary was "randomly" chosen for a more thorough check. Also, Sue had put 2 cannisters of bug spray in a bag Gary was holding and it was flagged by the x-ray guy. So there was no way Gary was going to get through. They pulled everything out of the 2 bags Gary was holding, swabbed them, and tested them for bomb dust. That was ok and our flight got off fine and we even got to LA about a 1/2 hour early. This was 12AM EDT. Gary's parents came to the airport to meet us since we had 4+ hour layover. We walked over to the international terminal, had some dinner and talked for a while about Sara. They left around 3AM and we went to the gate to wait for our 4:50 AM flight.
The gates are hot and crowded and we are exhausted. For some unknown reason, they board our flight late. We stand around barely able to keep our eyes open. We finally leave for Hong Kong around 5:30 AM. We have a a window and middle seat. We fall asleep immediately but they serve dinner shortly after takeoff. We barely remember eating and fall right back to sleep. After having a little trouble sleeping, Sue takes and ambien to help her sleep, but she has a sensitive stomach to medicines. She gets very sick and spends the last 7 hours of the flight puking and feeling miserable. It's hard for her to get to the bathroom because the women on the aisle is fast asleep and the bathrooms are always full. They serve breakfast in the morning but she can't eat.
We get to Hong Kong around 8:15 AM and our flight to HCMC is to board at 8:25. Someone meets a group of us at the gate to walk us to the new gate. Having just gotten off a plane we naturally have to go through security again. We are among the last to get on the plane.
The flight to HCMC leaves about 40 minutes late. The 2 hour flight goes uneventfully but Sue still feels horrible. We arrive in HCMC and go through customs with no problems. Two of our 3 bags are waiting for us at the gate except for Sue's. We wait on another line to fill out a missing bag report. No one is at the airport to meet us so we take a cab. We have no reservation at the hotel we are supposed to have booked but they have room for us. We get to our room around 1 PM.
We took a nap and had a very nice evening with Scott. We got to know one another while eating some dinner at Highlands Coffee and doing some grocery and baby shopping. Sue's bag was at the hotel when we got back. It must have taken a later flight. Now it's about 10:20 PM and we're off to sleep.


David Ornstein said...

quit complaining. the osu psu game is on in 8 hours! and you will soon have your baby. :-)
life is good.
seriously! enjoy.

Anonymous said...

I hope Sue is feeling better- you are certainly going to have some stories to tell Sara when she gets older. I hope you are sleeping well- not too much longer!


Michael Chabler said...

Stay away from the sleeping pills.

We're very happy you made it. At least now that you're on the ground, you have a chance to recover.

Try to have a little R&R when you are feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Marie and I are reading your updates here at Saks. Sue, hope you are feeling better and ready to see your little sweet! Love to you and Gary.

Miss you already,

carrie said...

WOW! What a day! But soon Sara will be in your arms and it will have all been worth it. I have been thinking of you both and praying that the adoption process over there goes smoothly. I can't wait to see the pictures of you with Sara.
P.S. Taylour is equally excited as she loves babies and the name Sara!

Anonymous said...

So glad you made it. I hate to hear you had trouble on the way over. How in the world did you get a cab at that airport and get to the hotel you wanted to go to? That is one way to get broken into life in Vietnam! I must apply a little pressure to keep us updated with LOTS of pictures - I think those are the exact words we got!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sue and Gary, Soon you will be on your way home with your long awaited for "Sara". Sue...hope you are feeling much better. Won't be long now. God is with you both and so are my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had a good day finally in Vietnam. Just imagine Alan was throwing up when you couldn't get out of your seat, so he just had to use the bag. I hope everything goes well today!

helene/howard said...

Glad everything is OK.Wow-Gary on a motorcycle!And Sue in a cab.

Good luck with Sara this morning-cant wait to see both of you in a photo with Sara. Love